List Types
Choose a list type before documenting landscape treatments.
The default, Individual list provides flexibility for assigning plants to hatches / polylines or symbols where one plant represents one drawing object.
Individual List
A single plant species is represented by a polyline area, hatch or symbol.
It’s quantities are calculated according to the item’s spacing when a boundary is used or the number of items when a symbol is specified.
To choose whether a list item is represented by a boundary or a block, include a spacing value in the spacing edit box for a boundary or leave empty to define a block.
You can use standard drawing tools to create objects (hatches, polylines, regions, etc) on any layer and then assign a plant by selecting an entry and labelling the object.
When the create mode is current, this process is automated for a plant with an area by picking a point within a closed boundary to generate a polyline or hatch and labelling in one operation.
Mix List
The mix (or mass planting) dialog is designed to edit and set parameters for mixtures of plants. Two modes of operation are possible – Plant or Seed.
In plant mode, the percentage assigned for a species determines the proportion of the total area into which the spacing is applied.
To specify Seed mode, click the checkbox on the Options tab in the Type section at the top left.
An alternative to the spreadsheet view above, is the mix detail view. Check the Mix detail control on the right hand side of the main dialog to make it the default view.
A mix list can also be edited from the palette by double clicking a list item or the list name. A similar spreadsheet view as above will open for editing.
Spacing and Percentage
Each item’s quantities are calculated by applying spacing and percentage values to a measured area.
If either of these fields are left empty, label quantities will be omitted.
Specify a spacing value assuming plants are being set out to fully cover a given area according to their long term growth habit or desired density for short term impact.
Depending on the conditions under which the planting is being established percentages may vary from 100%. A total of all values is provided as a guide.
Adjust the balance of percentage within the mix according to the desired character or emphasis of planting.
Seed Mode
Check the ‘Seed’ checkbox on the Options tab to configure the dialog for seed mixes.
In Seed mode, each item in the mix is assigned a weight in grams per 100m2 with a total expressed in Kilograms per Hectare.
Editing Multiple Cells
In the spreadsheet view, multiple items can be edited by selecting each row to be modified using the checkboxes at the far right of the grid.
Edit a cell and then click in another cell or the ‘Check All’ checkbox to apply edits to selected rows.
Move / Copy / Delete
To move, copy or delete multiple rows in spreadsheet view, first select the check boxes and click on either the Move/Copy or Delete button to apply the desired action.
You can display the Data Browser window while browsing or editing mixes by clicking the button at the lower left. This window can remain open in the background and will be updated when the cursor moves into any cell in the 2nd column of the grid.
Custom Labels
In either mode, labels are created as a single Multileader or Mtext / Leader object (if a leader is specified). Labels can be redefined at any time with custom formats and may be simplified to provide a total quantity (of seed or plants) along with the name of the mix without compromising quantity data for each item.
Finish List
When the list type is set to Finish, three categories are available to define a list item.
- an area (either closed polyline or hatch)
- a block object representing a furniture or utility item
- a linear element such as a garden edge
Area type finishes use graphic elements including hatches and polylines, with colour and linetype variations to distinguish different items. An area value is measured and summed in the schedule.
Block objects are counted with total quantities included in the schedule.
A $ value can be assigned for each item in a list and and a total cost calculated and output in the schedule (or to file).
You can choose to include a Rate and Total column in the schedule output.