Label and assign a hatch or polyline
You can label a closed polyline, open polyline or hatch to assign the selected plant or finish to the drawing object.
Note the selected list item needs to have a spacing value. If not the following message will display:
Using the palette:
- Pick an item in the lower pane to be assigned
- Click on the button
- Select a hatch or polyline object to label
- Pick a point for the leader arrow to be created
- Place the label – you can hold down the Shift key to constrain the leader orthogonally while dragging.
Using the main dialog:
- At the command prompt, type ‘pd’ and Enter to open the main PlantManager dialog.
- Pick an item to be assigned
- Ensure the Drawing Mode toggle at the bottom right of the dialog is set to ‘Label’ and click Ok (or Enter)
- Type ‘pp’ at the command prompt and select a hatch or polyline object to label
- Place the label – you can hold down the Shift key to constrain the leader orthogonally while dragging.
- Repeat the labeling process by typing ‘pp’ at the command prompt.
Narrow planting areas
When narrow planting beds occur and area calculations don’t adequately represent the density required, create and label an open polyline.
The open polyline applies plant spacing according to the measured length.
Stretching the polyline will recalculate plant quantities according to the spacing.
Label a symbol
Using the palette:
- Click the button
- Select a previously inserted PlantManager symbol to label
- After the first pick, you’ll be prompted to select objects – pick nearby symbols you want to include. Those which don’t match the first pick will be filtered out of the selection
- Enter to finish the selection
- Place the label
Using the command line:
- Type ‘pp’
- If the ‘Label’ mode is set you’ll be prompted to select an object to label – if not, type ‘l’ and Enter to switch out of ‘Create’ mode
- Select a symbol to label
- After the first pick, you’ll be prompted to select objects – pick nearby symbols you want to include, those which don’t match the first pick will be filtered out of the selection
- Enter to finish the selection
- Place the label
During label placement you have the option to choose a leader connection type. Check out the command prompt or use the arrow key to see options if you don’t have the command line visible – type A for arc and more options will appear including bulge, style, line, flip etc.
Label Options
When labelling a boundary or hatch, you can label with or without a leader. To place text without a leader, type ‘a’ at the command prompt after picking an object to label. To switch back to include a leader, type ‘l’ at the prompt.
Four pre-set label styles are available. Labels can be customised with up to four lines of text.
Label Size
A label can be automatically generated by PlantManager with sizes determined by the plot scale and text height settings or a predefined style (to align with office standards) can be used.
See the Drawing Annotation Style topic for more information.
When automatically generated, label sizes are calculated by the relationship of the plot scale to the text height (as set in the options window) and the drawing units.
A dimension or multileader style (depending on label options) is created for each scale
Schedules and Labels
The schedule function counts Mtext and Multileader labels but not the labels of symbols. So it’s not necessary to create separate labels for blocks.
Labels generated with a pre-set format can be manually edited in which case the new value will be used for calculating total quantities and included in the schedule. Manual edits of the quantities displayed in a custom label are not respected in schedule calculations.