Create boundaries / insert blocks:
Using the palette
If you want to insert a symbol, leave the spacing value blank.
If a planting or finish area is to be created, specify spacing (in the case of planting), or area mode (in the case of a finish treatment).
- Pick an item in the lower pane to insert or create – a symbol or an area to represent a landscape treatment. A landscape treatment can be created within boundaries forming a closed area with or without an offset and either as a hatch or polyline. See the Set Options page for more detail.
- Click the button
- Pick a point to create a boundary polyline / hatch area or to insert a block. (see these tips to help create boundaries or hatches)
- If a block is to be inserted and hasn’t been defined, a dialog will open providing options to assign a symbol and its size. Once defined, the block will be placed at the picked point.
- If you’ve created a boundary or hatch, pick a point for the leader start point (or change options to label without a leader by typing ‘a” for Label – see command prompts)
- Place the label – you can hold down the Shift key to constrain the leader orthogonally while dragging
Using the main dialog
- At the command prompt, type ‘pd’ and Enter to open the main PlantManager dialog.
- Select an item in the list to create / insert
- Ensure the ‘Create’ toggle at the bottom right of the dialog is set and click Ok (or Enter)
- Type ‘pp‘ at the command prompt and Enter
- Pick a point to create a boundary polyline / hatch area or insert a block.
- If you’ve created a boundary or hatch, pick a point for the leader start point and place the label
Repeat the boundary creation / block insertion process by typing ‘pp’ and Enter at the command prompt.
Using the command line
- Type ‘pp’ and Enter
- If ‘Create’ mode is set you’ll be prompted to pick a point – if not, type ‘c’ and Enter to switch out of ‘Label’ mode
- Pick a point to create a boundary polyline / hatch area or insert a block using the current list selection
- If a block is to be inserted and hasn’t been defined, a dialog will open providing options to assign a symbol and its size. Once defined, the block will be placed at the picked point.
- If you’ve created a boundary or hatch, pick a point for the leader start point
- Place the label
After typing ‘pp’ at the command line you can switch between ‘Create’ and ‘Label’ mode by entering ‘c’ or ‘l’ and Enter.
Shortcuts can be entered at the command prompt such as ‘opt’ to open the options dialog box or ‘sch’ to begin the creation of a plant schedule.